Let's start with Why. Why am I writing this review in the first place? Why do I need to do this? What is the purpose? The short answer is one sentence: I want to keep a record of my thoughts on my blog. The long answer consists of several points:
- To add a blogpost on my book reviews blog - because when I created this blog, I committed myself to write reviews of all the books I was reading.
- To deposit my thoughts on the book while the lessons are still fresh and green
- To let others also read what I have come to think of this book.
The Golden Circle is an awesome concept. It's something so simple that even a five-year old can understand, and yet so crucial that a fifty-year old can also make a mistake by forgetting it. The path is not WHAT to HOW. The path is from WHY to HOW to WHAT. To quote the author, "WHATs are the proofs of your WHYs."
As per the Golden Circle, the next question that comes after figuring out WHY is HOW. How am I going to make this review more meaningful? HOW should I write such that it not only becomes one more post on my blog but also something helpful for any future reader - whether another person or myself?
Exactly - by giving some example, sharing some anecdote, and telling my story with this book.
Recently along with some good friends, I started a Book Club. Incidentally, the first book we took up for reading was this very book - Start With Why. We had intense discussions, sometimes debates on various concepts.
While we were discussing the concept of WHY, one member suddenly quipped: "WHY should be WISE!" We had been discussing the example of different ways of advertising by Apple and Creative: how Apple advertised their iPod by offering "1,000 songs in your pocket.", whereas Creative advertised as "5GB mp3 player." Apple had a wiser Why.
Two minutes later, someone came up with this: "WHY should be WISE; HOW should be FLEXIBLE; and WHAT should be in MULTITUDE."
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