
Animal Farm - George Orwell


Animal Farm begins like a fairy tale and ends like a heartbreaking tragic story. It begins with hope but ends with utter disappointment. The idea is beautiful, quite optimistic, but executive does a foul job and spoils a beautiful painting “with most admired disorder”.

Initially, I had intended to place order for only Animal Farm, but found that the e-commerce website offered a good discount if bought together with 1984 by the same author. I read the books at a gap of almost a month from one another, Animal Farm first among the two.

Animal Farm starts with a great tale of how a wise elderly pig dictates to fellow animals of Manor Farm the ideals of equality, freedom and brotherhood, ideals that come to be clubbed under the term Animalism.

After the death of the wise pig, some years later, the animals succeed in bringing the “revolution”, and the pigs draw SEVEN COMMANDMENTS of Animalism.

The story that follows is thought-provoking. The book is not just about how communism and socialism rotted in their original values, but also about how best of the best philosophies and ideologies can end up in a failure due to poor implementation and harbingers uncommitted to the original ideas.

I somehow realise that every religion, every ideology, every way of life, begins with noble ideas – ideas of a happy, better and more livable wordld, but somehow, a select number of corrupt people for either their own selfish purposes, or for lack of proper knowledge of and education in the ideology, religion, way of life, end up making situations worse than theyw ere before. The saddest part, perhaps, is that the people at the center of it – people who are going to be affected the most, still continue to live in the belief that things will change for better even when they don’t.

The book is heartbreaking … but more than that, thought-provoking. A massive message, packed in a very perfect, simple and beautiful metaphor.

Inderpal Singh

A student, a discoverer and a reader.

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